The claim “[…] proven essential to prevent marginal bone loss, avoid dehiscence, and prevent peri-implantitis” is supported by:
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The claim “[…] preserves bone volume and stimulates a favorable osseointegration process, decreasing surgical trauma and patient morbidity […]” is supported by:
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The claim “REX PiezoImplant has undergone extensive clinical validations and has been proven to be a safe and effective, long-term clinical solution for the treatment of atrophic ridges.” is supported by:
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- Lucia Memè, A New Wedge-Shape Dental Implants for Narrow Bone Ridge: REX Piezoimplant, a Case Report With 12 Months of Follow-Up. 2022 – 16(3). AJBSR.MS.ID.002224. DOI:10.34297/AJBSR.2022.16.002224